New York Wedding Videographers
Our European background in event videography gives to our films an artistic brush-stroke. Through our Fresh, Fashion and Dynamic point of view, we create the most Genuine and Exclusive memory of your Wedding Day.
We capture the Essence of your Big Day and create a Wedding Film full of emotional moments, Curated images, a Timeless outcome under a Signature Style.
Allow yourself to remember all those small but Unique moments you won't be able to keep in your mind, because we promise you, there are going to happen plenty of those moments this day! Our postproduction and filming style are what make our brand and our Weddings Films different. We are always pushing ourselves to run away from classic and typical style which is in the US wedding industry since years, to find a Fresh, Trendy and Personalized outcome to fit perfectly each of our Clients.
Gotham Hall | Manhattan, New York
Bryant Park Grill - Manhattan New York
The Bowery Hotel | Manhattan, New York
The Foundry | Brooklyn, New York
Central Park & TAO | Manhattan, New York
Harvard Club of New York
Wedding Film | The Foundry, New York
Topping Rose House | Bridgehampton, New York
Van Vorst Park | New Jersey
Hyatt Jersey City | New Jersey
Sands Point Preserve | Long Island, New York
Sneak Peek | Wedding Film Greenpoint Loft in Brooklyn, New York
Hello! We are glad you arrived until this line. We are Jose and Arantza, and we are wedding Videographers based in Manhattan, New York and operating Worldwide.
We will be more than happy to shape for you this memorable memory. Our films are different and they have a Creative and Special point of view you will love! We think all couples are very special and unique, everyone have a different love story to tell even if sometimes you don't think so, we will show you how genuine you are! Nowadays we are based in Manhattan and sometimes we escape to the Mediterranean Sea to get some of our hometown sunshine and warm weather.
If you are looking for a wedding Videographer with a Renovated and Innovative Style, contact us and we will send you some more information. Fill out our form and we will answer you in the twinkling of an eye.
See you soon! Jose and Arantza.